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[일반공지] APAGE Research Programme Award 2020 모집 안내
등록일 2020-07-27


안녕하세요. 대한소화기학회입니다.


APAGE에서 Research Programme Award 2020을 모집하고 있어 회원 여러분께 안내 드립니다.


관심이 있는 회원께서는 아래 내용 및 첨부파일을 참고하시어 9월 14일(월)까지 대한소화기학회로 신청 바랍니다.


 * Description
This programme is designed to annually award one research project proposed from the Asian Pacific Association of Gastroenterology (APAGE) member societies for one to two-year period.
The research project will consist of internationally cooperative studies. The APAGE will make the final selection of an international research project from among the applicants recommended by APAGE member societies.


 * Eligibility
Applicants should be members of individual APAGE member societies and the research project members should consist of two or multiple APAGE member societies, and not from one member society.
The applicants will appoint a research leader / principal investigator who will submit the proposal to APAGE.


 * Quantum
The APAGE will provide a research fund of totally of USD20,000 per project.


 * Terms and Conditions
The applicant must abide by these rules and regulations and the decisions made by the APAGE Research Fund Committee:
 1. The length of the study period is within two years.
 2. Funds will be in USD and half of it will be released once the award has been decided.
    The balance of the amount will be paid when an interim report has been received that the project has been at least 80% completed.
    A full report will be required to be submitted within one month after the completion of the project.
 3. Termination of funds may be considered if the conditions of the fund are not observed.


첨부파일 2020 APAGE-RPA.pdf 2020 APAGE-RPA.pdf (다운421회)
첨부파일 2020 APAGE-RPA GUIDELINES.pdf 2020 APAGE-RPA GUIDELINES.pdf (다운400회)
게시판 검색

* 총 게시물 : 774

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