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[학회공지] WGO Train the Trainers Workshop - Nominations Now OPEN
등록일 2019-11-26


WGO Train the Trainers Workshop이 7월 9일(목)부터 12일(일)까지 Warsaw, Poland에서 개최됩니다.


본 프로그램에 관심이 있는 회원께서는 12월 23일(월)까지 대한소화기학회로 신청서류를 제출하여 주시고,


자게한 사항은 첨부된 파일을 참고하시기 바랍니다. 감사합니다.



Train the Trainers Workshop Warsaw, Poland
Arrival Date: Wednesday, 8 July 2020
Workshop Dates: Thursday – Sunday, 9-12 July 2020
Departure: Monday, 13 July 2020


Course partnership:

World Gastroenterology Organisation (WGO)

Polish Society of Gastroenterology (PTG)


Recommended Audience
WGO Member Society and WGO Training Center Directors may nominate up to two trainees who meet the qualifications below: 
* Must be fluent in English

* Is a Gastroenterologist, Hepatologist, Endoscopist, or GI Surgeon

* Is responsible for training other healthcare professionals and would like the opportunity to enhance their training knowledge and skills.

* Participants are required to attend the entire workshop and should plan to arrive on the specified arrival and departure dates listed above.

* Participant will commit to putting the TTT workshop lessons into place upon return to their own teaching environment.




첨부파일 Warsaw Train the Trainers Announcement.pdf Warsaw Train the Trainers Announcement.pdf (다운623회)
첨부파일 Warsaw Program Announcement.pdf Warsaw Program Announcement.pdf (다운497회)
첨부파일 2020 Train the Trainers-Warsaw Participant Nomination Form.docx 2020 Train the Trainers-Warsaw Participant Nomination Form.docx (다운490회)
게시판 검색

* 총 게시물 : 772

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